At NoCostHomeSale.com we will not charge you a listing fee (normally 2.5% to 3.00% of the sales price) to sell your home. We simply ask that you agree to use us as your buyers agent when you buy your new home. It is as simple as that! We get paid from the seller of the home that you purchase, you do not pay us anything. Our services are FREE!
If you are not planning on purchasing a new home, then we will sell your home for a listing agent fee of 1.5%. If you need to do a short sale of your property, we can do that also for free. In a short sale situation, the lender will compensate the real estate agents, it does not come from the homeowner.
For most people, their home is their largest financial asset, and deciding to sell it is a big decision that involves a lot of preparation and work. When you are ready to sell it's important to have an experienced professional handle the details involved in the successful sale of a home for top dollar.
At NoCostHomeSale.com we have over 500 agents throughout California. Our agents buy and sell about 50 homes per month for their clients. We know what we are doing. Let us put our expertise to work for you, and save you a great deal of money.
We would love to meet with you to outline our marketing plan, offer helpful selling tips, and explain our NoCostHomeSale program in detail. We do more than offer you assistance in selling your home, we are a full service real estate and loan company serving all of California. We handle every aspect of your transaction from listing to closing.
Providing you with comprehensive, high quality service is our top priority. While we have cut our commissions, we have not cut our services. You still get our comprehensive marketing and everything else your would expect from a full service real estate company, but at a reduced rate. So when you are ready to sell your home, please Contact Us and let's get started!
Selling your home? You can't get better than FREE!
4858 Mercury Street Suite 105
San Diego, CA 92111
(877) 476-9227
CA DRE License # 01425679